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Benefits of logging in:
Browse by Album
As a subscriber, you have access to hundreds of albums. When in an album, click the artist name to see all the albums for that artist.
Browse by Artist
We are always on the look out for new artists and groups. Browse through the list from here. When you pick an artist, see the albums or even play all the tracks one after the other.
Create Playlists
When you find new music and the music you have loved for years, create personal playlists. You can add as many playlists as you want.
Stream live
For two years, Ceol FM was an online radio service. A massive 28,000 people from 35 countries every week tuned in to listen to high quality traditional Irish music. The service was inovative as it is the very first of it's kind to offer listeners the option of listening to several streams from the one streaming service. The new Ceol FM builds on this inovation to give you the power to pick the music you want to hear.
Latest News
Ennis trad Fest 2021
For many of us, it was the first festival for traditional Irish music lovers in two years and the Ennis trad FEst lived up to our expectations. Back to back sessions, album launches and massive conc ...
Try the Ceol FM filter
Filter by soothing and energetic music. This is just a taste of the power of the filters available to registered users.